Have you ever been with a squirter? I had no idea that there were women out there that were capable of squirting. The first time I experienced it, I shit you not, I thought the bitch pissed on me. I jumped up and she started laughing at me. Once she explained it to me and then showed me again, I fell in love. It’s the most amazing feeling ever. I had her squirt all over my face and body. I wanted to be covered in it.
Right now viewers can take advantage of this Squirt Hunter deal for under $10 and search no more for the hottest ladies squirting all over the place. Granted it can get a little messy, but that’s part of the fun. This natural lubricant tastes delicious as well. I love licking my girl’s pussy clean after she’s made a mess of us both. In fact, if she doesn’t squirt then I know I haven’t done my job. The ladies at this site have some of the most glorious streams I’ve ever seen in my life.
A few years back, I was going through a rough patch. My friends were getting sick of it and decided to give me a time I would never forget in hopes of snapping me out of my funk. Every couple of years, we road trip together. It usually involves camping and lots of alcohol. This time though, it was casino hotels and lots of alcohol.
The second night, the guys decided we needed hookers. These weren’t street sluts. They were hot as hell and very pampered looking. The girls came up to our room and we partied. At one point, I was fucking one girl while the other was trying to get her mouth on my balls. Beautiful as these chicks were, they were also nasty and completely into the messier parts of sex.
When I finished, I blew my load into one girls mouth. I expected her to swallow it down, but was shocked to see her spit it into the other girls mouth and then kiss. It was gross and awesome at the same time. I have been into sperm swapping porn ever since.