I love making a woman cum. I consider myself a generous lover, I would rather please than be pleased. Hearing her moan and pant as she gets closer to the edge and feeling her pussy get soaking wet is the hottest thing I can think of. I only wish more women would squirt when they get off.
It’s like icing on the cake to have a babe cum all over your cock. For one you know it’s all that much more intense for her which instantly makes me rock hard. But it’s also like she’s handing you an explosive trophy for a job well done.
I even think it’s hotter watching a girl get herself off when she’s a squirter. It proves that she’s not faking it for one. There’s no doubt about what’s going on when you see a stream of lady cum shoot out of her love hole. When you check out these Squirting Porn Discounts, you can find tons of great deals on babes who give you a grand finale every time they finish!
I would never sit here and try to push something on someone that they obviously don’t like. I think that’s a great part of life that we can all like different or the same things. This post is most certainly going out to all the pussy squirting fans out there and trust me I know there’s quite a few of you around.
This spinner sure does have the moment in her hands, or should I say fingers… she has been working that pussy for the last half an hour or so and now comes to the time that we’ve all been waiting for. A chance encounter at this Adult Chatroulette was all that it took for me to become hooked and begging for more.
I looked that cam loving slut in the eyes and from that moment on she didn’t need another reason to just open her legs and let those juices come flowing out. I’m not sure if she would ever consider a career in firefighting, but damn straight this girl has some serious talent going on down below. I’m just going to sit back in awe now as this girl is going to make a big statement and yes it might just get a little wet and messy, isn’t that how we like it?